What We Offer...
We create a partnership with advisors who do not specialize in group or individual health insurance
You create an additional stream of revenue with little time and effort
Non-compete for all other lines
The BPP will handle all service and claims issues
The BPP is the best source for health benefits
The BPP will close the door to competition
We equip our partners with compelling reasons to align themselves and their clients with the Benefits Partnership Program™
With the Benefits Partnership Program™, you simply tell your client that we can provide them with top-notch products from virtually any carrier. Complete benefits management is available to your group clients at no additional cost.
What Makes Our Services Different?
Our partners are generally not interested in creating the infrastructure necessary to support health insurance, so we handle the support for you. The BPP prides itself with providing superior service; not only in the initial phases of implementation, but throughout the course of the program. We go the extra mile to help clients understand their benefits program. To help assist with the administration of the client’s plans, we answer questions about enrollment, coverage, claims and more.
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